Downloading the Visitor Register App
Head to your App Store, search for Visitor Register App - Donesafe and install the app onto your device.
To enable the visitor app with donesafe, you will need to contact your account representative or your partner for an API key. Please note - This will be required before you can log into your account.
Add your API key and select 'Continue'.
Here you will select your location, based on the site you are visiting and select 'Ok'. You will have have the option to print tags for this visit. Tap the icon depending on this answer, if yes you will need to select the printer to wish to retrieve your tag from. Once done, hit 'SAVE'.
Signing in to the app
A welcome page will require you to sign in, select bottom left hand button 'Sign In'.
You will be presented with a number of options depending on the organization. Select the option that matches your role type -
An example of the options are:
Emergency Services
Once you have selected the most accurate role, you will be required to enter your mobile number and select the '+add' button. If there are multiple people within your group, you can continuing adding these in. Once you select '+add' you will be required to fill out your details.
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
And select 'Continue'.
Once all visitors have been added, select 'Continue', bottom right hand corner.
You will be requested to enter 'Who you are seeing?' A list of individuals from the organization will be displayed. Select the correct person.
A thank you message will appear and a notification will be sent to the chosen individual.
Signing out of the app
When you are ready to sign out, head back to the app. Once here, select the 'Sign Out' button. Add your mobile number(s) for all visitors and select 'continue'. A goodbye message will be displayed and that's it, you're done.
Its that easy.