Let's have a look on how to add a new incident record into your account.
The quickest way to do this is to go to the quick Add New (top right hand corner of your screen) button and select the Incident or type of record you wish to add. For this example, we have chosen Incident.
This is an add new incident page. From here, fill in the requested information and then click Complete button at the end.
Note - The questions/fields can differ depending on the organization and what information is required.
Let's go through each one in more details.
Incident Title - Provide a short description of the incident.
Date and time of incident - This can be any day today or before hand.
Location - Provide where the incident happened.
Incident Type - Provide the type of the incident.
Is this a notifiable incident - Confirm if the incident requires notification to the Regulatory Authority.
Person involved in incident - Provide the name of the person involved in the incident.
Reported to - Provide the name of the person you reported to on-site.
Description of incident - Provide a more in-depth description of what actually happened, provide as much information as possible.
Attachment - You have the option to upload any evidence about the incident.
Were there any witnesses? - Provide details of the witnesses.
Role of person completing form - Provide the role of the person completing the form.
Person completing the form - Provide the name of the person completing the form.
Once you are done, just click the Complete button.
And there you have it, you have added your record.