Let's take a look on how to access and manage your knowledge base.
To start, go to Learn (left hand side coloumn) and click on Knowledge base or Policies and Procedures. The name of this module/app may be different depending on how your organization.
The knowledge base is where businesses store their policies and procedures along with any other documents that maybe useful to its workers including things like "How to's".
What you see before you is a list of all the documents in this knowledge base:
Before we jump into one of them, let's take a look at some of the filters you can use to simplify the search:
Category - You can filter the different knowledge base articles based on the category.
*For example, if you click on Procedure, it will share you a list of only the procedures within the knowledge base.
State - You can filter the different knowledge base articles based on the state.
Location - You can filter the different knowledge base articles based on the location.
Created - You can sort the different knowledge base articles based on the date the article created.
Acknowledgeable - You can sort the different knowledge base articles based on the articles being acknowledged.
***For most users though, simply using the category selector will be enough.
Let's take a look at one of these procedures:
Here is a Dust Control Procedure. Bear in mind that these will be different for different businesses but it gives you an example of the types of documents you may find in here.
Located at the right hand-side are the sections for Related to, Attachments, Comments and Videos.
Related to - You can see the other records that the article is related to and you will be able to add other records by clicking the + add button, shown below.
Attachments - You can see the attached supporting documents for the article. You can add documents by clicking the + add button. You can also upload any existing attached documents by clicking on that specific attachment.
Comments - You can view and add comments or feedback about the article in this section.
Videos - You can see URL link of videos related to this article in this section.
Another thing that may come up from time to time is an acknowledgeable knowledge base article. For example, there's an article that may require you to acknowledge, once you read the articles and attachments, simply click on the Acknowledge button. This will often be the case in your policies that you are required to confirm that you have read and understood.
For now though, that should be enough to get you started in the knowledge base.