Out of everything you've done so far, configuring your Workflows and Action Tracks will unlock the greatest advantages of using Donesafe that will allow you to truly tail off the system to your businesses systems that will unlock automations that you didn't know could exist and they ensure that nothing gets missed or also actually saving you and your worker's time.
First off, some quick definitions:
Workflows - Your workflow allow you to move back and forth through the management stages of a register or a report. Donesafe's workflows are configurable so you can have as many or as few stages as you'd like. Furthermore, they allow you to bring different people into the process at different stages into the workflow, allowing workers to report say an incident and managers to input corrective actions in order to avoid it happening again.
Using an incident as an example, an incident workflow might be Incident Recorded, Investigation, Investigation Review, Corrective Actions, Actions Review and Complete.
You can remove stages,
Merge them,
Add them in,
And restrict them to certain levels of management.
You can even build workflows that cause different types of reports to branch out into different departments for example a safety health or environment incident, could be automatically sent to your WHS department whereas a quality report might be automatically sent to your quality managers to investigate.
Workflows exist for every module in Donesafe, they're extremely powerful and extremely configurable.
Action Tracks - Action tracks are essentially your automation action generation and notifications. They are the support system to ensure that your workflows work efficiently without costing oversight. They work with your workflows to create a truly automated system.
Using the incident workflow example from before, if once an incident is reported, it's submitted for review to a certain type of role, that's your workflows and action.
Your action tracks though, get down to these specific people.
You can set-up your action tracks to automatically assign the creator's immediate manager as the person to manage the review of the incident or the manager's manager or the creator or the investigator.
Similarly to workflows, you can even restrict different actions to different types of reports and stages in a sense the workflows drive your action tracks and your action tracks ensure that your workflows get completed.
That's an interplay and both need to be set-up well to ensure that you get the most out of Donesafe.