The first step to setting up any new account in Donesafe is to set-up your roles. This may require a little thought that every effort here is well worth it. Think about roles as the different access levels your users will have. As an admin, you'll generally want full and free access to basically everything in the system by that same token, it's unlikely that you want your average worker to be able to access restricted records, delete users or break your perfectly manicured system. That's why roles are the first thing we're creating.
To start, jump over to Admin Settings and click on Roles.
As you can see, we have two default roles setup: Admin and No Right User.
First though, we're going to create a new role, for example Worker. Let's think about what a worker in your business should have access to. A worker in your business should be able to report hazards and incidents checking out how those reports are going, potentially filling in checklist like audits and observations, and definitely being able to view the procedures in the knowledge base.
We are now going to create a new role that will apply those restrictions and powers to our worker.
To start, click on Add.
Role Attributes Configuration:
Role Name - Name of the role. So let's give our new role a name, Worker.
Managerial Hierarchy Access Level - Managerial Hierarchy access allows you to inherit the rights of your subordinates in the system, that is, a user to whom you are marked as their manager. This means that though you personally might not have edit rights to a record; not being the creator; you may _inherit_ edit rights from one of your subordinates whom _is_ the creator of the record. The *level* of access enables this ability and can restrict it to just one level down (so your immediate subordinates) through to five level’s down (ie your subordinates’ subordinates’ subordinates’ subordinates’ subordinates’ access). Alternatively, you can totally disable Managerial Hierarchy access or remove all restrictions and inherit rights from all the way down the managerial hierarchy.
Dashboard - This provides an option on how the dashboard view based on the level of access. You can choose from Default Dashboard, HSE Dashboard, Employee, Worker Example Dashboard. For this case, we will choose Worker Example Dashboard.
Unable to modify own profile - This is an older setting and can be left as is for most accounts.
Can see other users profiles - This is an older setting and can be left as is for most accounts.
Can edit organizations - This setting only impacts classic Donesafe modules and can be left as is for most accounts.
Confidential type access - There are different types of confidentiality for each module in the system. Giving someone confidential access to a record doesn’t actually _grant_ access to confidential records of that type, rather, it allows users of that role to _bypass confidential restrictions_. That is to say, when a record is made confidential, the users that can access that record are restricted to those listed on an explicit list of users against the record itself. This permission allows you to bypass that restriction. In short, if you wouldn’t have been able to see the record originally (if it weren’t confidential) then simply having this permission won’t grant it, but if you otherwise would have had access, then this bypasses the confidential restriction.
Can access report builder module - This refers to the classic report builder, and should be turned on mostly for Admin, Manager or WHS committee role in order to build required reports. This can be turned off for Worker who should not be able to build the reports as per most business' needs.
Can create contact users from within forms - This is an option to provide an access rights to the user to create a contact users within the forms for example a non-user is involved to the record or not.
Can view the user directory - This is an option that provides an access rights to the user to be able to view the user directory or not.
Can see other users personal details - This is an option that provides an option to access personal details of users.
Line Approval Percentage Extra for Expenses -
Overall Approval Dollar Extra for Expenses -
Max Sessions Percentage Extra for Expenses -
Allowed actions configurations for each of the modules:
Create Rights - Create is easy. You’ll want your average worker to be able to create incident records without restriction, so mark this as “Yes”.
View Rights - Let’s say you want your worker to have some access to records they’re related too, but not too much. In this instance, you’ll select the types of relationships that you feel would be appropriate for that worker to maintain in order to gain access to a particular incident record. In this example, I’ve selected ‘Creator and Assignee’. I’ve NOT selected ‘All’.
What this selection means, is that if a Worker user is involved in this incident in some way, whether it be as the creator or somebody that has had a related action assigned to them, that they’ll be able to see this record. If however I had selected “All” as an option as well, it would have also given workers access to view All incident records; which is not something most businesses would want.
Edit Rights - For Edit, I’d like to further limit what my Worker is allowed to do. In the screenshot below, you can see I’ve selected Creator, whilst leaving NOT selecting All and Assignee. However, Assignee can be added if the workers will be editing any sub-forms or actions assigned to them in that particular record.
Delete Rights - This option grants the user to delete a record. So for worker, we will not provide any rights to delete.
With these selections we have a role type that allows assigned users to:
Create incident records.
View incident records they’re associated with in any way.
Edit only incident records they’re very directly involved with.
Delete no incident records.
User Profile Permissions Configuration:
A user can view his/her own profile but for other user's profile, there are four options to grant view:
None - not allowed to view other user's profile.
All - can view all user's profile.
Team - can only view users profile under the user's team.
Organization - can only view users under the user's organization.
Other options for profile permissions:
Disabled -
Can View -
Can Edit -
When all is done, simply click on Save button.
*The worker role is a must for any business and you'll have to create this role before adding any more users.
*For admin role, you can grant full power by turning everything on.
*For no rights role, you'll do the exact opposite for admin role by turning all access rights off.
Role Permissions and Management Organisation
Though this has not changed from before, it is important to understand how the leadership hierarchy interacts with this new role permissions system.
When a Worker type user creates a record, their direct manager (and their manager’s manager and so on) inherit that worker’s rights to that particular record on top of their own. So, as an example, a manager could have exactly the same role rights as worker BUT they would be able to access records they aren’t associated with so long as those records were created by a subordinate within their leadership hierarchy.
For clarity, leaders are set at a per user level on their user profile as shown below.